Elevators controller
🏷️ transition side-effect
🏷️ machine start side-effect
🏷️ send event to self
🏷️ composing machines
This example models a controller for a group of co-located elevators.
For example, a large office or apartment building might place 3 elevators together. The controller represents the buttons in the lobby that passengers use to initially request an elevator.
This machine’s state data includes the elevator machine instances, so it has easy access to them when dispatching them to various floors, and tracking their progress.
In this machine’s onStart()
side-effect it subscribes to the elevators’s states and if any reach a doorsOpen
state and were requested by the controller, sends a ELEVATOR_ARRIVED
event to the controller machine instance, which removes the floor-request from the pending queue.
When a passenger requests an elevator it checks the existing pending requests and if one already exists for that floor, ignores it (ie, it doesn’t add a duplicate request).
When there are no existing requests for that floor, it ranks the elevators using a few simple rules to find the best one. It then creates an “internal” REQUESTING_ELEVATOR
event whose payload carries the selected elevator, and sends this event to itself in the onTransition()
side-effect, during the transition to the temporary requesting
The requesting
state receives the REQUESTING_ELEVATOR
event, and sends a VISIT_FLOOR
event to the selected elevator. Then we return to the busy
state (and potentially immediately to idle
via a conditional immediate transition from busy
) once more and wait for more requests.
event shows how we can share ephemeral data between states without having to add it (temporarily) to the machine’s state-data.
import { type MachineInstance, defineMachine } from "yay-machine";import type { ElevatorEvent, ElevatorState } from "../elevator";
const proximityScore = (state: ElevatorState, floor: number) => { const absoluteDistance = Math.abs(state.currentFloor - floor); if ( (state.name === "goingUp" && floor <= state.currentFloor) || (state.name === "goingDown" && floor >= state.currentFloor) ) { return absoluteDistance * 2; } return absoluteDistance;};
const findBestElevatorForRequestedFloor = ( elevators: Elevators, floor: number,) => { // rank elevators by their current queue-length and proximity from the requested floor const scores = new Map( elevators.map((elevator) => [ elevator, elevator.state.floorsToVisit.length + proximityScore(elevator.state, floor), ]), ); const scored = [...scores.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]); return scored[0]![0];};
export interface ControllerState { readonly name: "idle" | "requesting" | "busy"; readonly elevators: Elevators; readonly pendingRequests: readonly PendingRequest[];}
interface PendingRequest { readonly floor: number; readonly elevatorIndex: number;}
type NonEmptyArray<T> = readonly [T, ...T[]];
export type Elevators = NonEmptyArray< MachineInstance<ElevatorState, ElevatorEvent>>;
export interface RequestElevatorEvent { readonly type: "REQUEST_ELEVATOR"; readonly floor: number;}
export interface RequestingEvent extends PendingRequest { readonly type: "REQUESTING_ELEVATOR"; readonly elevator: MachineInstance<ElevatorState, ElevatorEvent>;}
export interface ElevatorArrivedEvent { readonly type: "ELEVATOR_ARRIVED"; readonly elevatorIndex: number; readonly floor: number;}
export type ControllerEvent = | RequestElevatorEvent | RequestingEvent | ElevatorArrivedEvent;
/** * Models a controller that dispatches elevators to requested floors. */export const controllerMachine = defineMachine< ControllerState, ControllerEvent>({ enableCopyDataOnTransition: true, // most transitions don't change the state-data, so copy it by default initialState: { name: "idle", elevators: undefined!, pendingRequests: [] }, onStart: ({ state, send }) => { const unsubscribes = state.elevators.map((elevator, index) => elevator.subscribe(({ state: elevatorState }) => { if (elevatorState.name === "doorsOpen") { send({ type: "ELEVATOR_ARRIVED", elevatorIndex: index, floor: elevatorState.currentFloor, }); } }), ); return () => unsubscribes.forEach((unsubscribe) => unsubscribe()); }, states: { requesting: { on: { REQUESTING_ELEVATOR: { to: "busy", data: ({ state, event }) => ({ ...state, pendingRequests: [ ...state.pendingRequests, { floor: event.floor, elevatorIndex: event.elevatorIndex }, ], }), onTransition: ({ event: { elevator, floor } }) => { elevator.send({ type: "VISIT_FLOOR", floor: floor }); }, }, }, }, busy: { on: { ELEVATOR_ARRIVED: { to: "busy", data: ({ state, event }) => ({ ...state, pendingRequests: state.pendingRequests.filter( (request) => request.floor === event.floor && request.elevatorIndex === event.elevatorIndex, ), }), }, }, always: { to: "idle", when: ({ state }) => state.pendingRequests.length === 0, }, }, }, on: { REQUEST_ELEVATOR: [ { to: "busy", when: ({ state, event }) => state.pendingRequests.some( (request) => event.floor === request.floor, ), }, { to: "requesting", onTransition: ({ state, event, send }) => { // find the best elevator const elevator = findBestElevatorForRequestedFloor( state.elevators, event.floor, ); const elevatorIndex = state.elevators.indexOf(elevator); // send the elevator to the requested floor; // once inside the passenger can request their destination floor send({ type: "REQUESTING_ELEVATOR", elevator, elevatorIndex, floor: event.floor, }); }, }, ], },});
import { elevatorMachine } from "../elevator/elevatorMachine";import { type Elevators, controllerMachine } from "./elevatorControllerMachine";
const elevators: Elevators = [ elevatorMachine.newInstance({ initialState: { name: "doorsClosed", currentFloor: 1, fractionalFloor: 0, floorsToVisit: [], }, }), elevatorMachine.newInstance({ initialState: { name: "doorsClosed", currentFloor: 5, fractionalFloor: 0, floorsToVisit: [], }, }), elevatorMachine.newInstance({ initialState: { name: "doorsClosed", currentFloor: 9, fractionalFloor: 0, floorsToVisit: [], }, }),];elevators.forEach((elevator) => elevator.start());
const controller = controllerMachine .newInstance({ initialState: { name: "idle", elevators, pendingRequests: [] }, }) .start();
// passengers request *an elevator* to visit a floor,// from either the hallway button or the buttons in the car itselfcontroller.send({ type: "REQUEST_ELEVATOR", floor: 5 });controller.send({ type: "REQUEST_ELEVATOR", floor: 13 });controller.send({ type: "REQUEST_ELEVATOR", floor: 2 });